Bleachers dimensions: what size for 300, 500-seat?

Bleachers are essential for hosting various events and providing the audience with an optimal view. But how do you choose the right dimensions for your bleachers? Alcor, the specialist in modular mobile stands, sheds light on the matter.

Saint Herblain tribune mobile TM4

How to Choose the Dimensions of Your Bleachers?

Generally, this question isn’t approached in such a way. The dimensions of the bleachers will depend on the number of seats required. Based on the specifics of the project (available space, type of event, venue configuration), the bleachers can be designed to expand more in width or height.

Additionally, the type of seating will influence the dimensions of the bleachers. If benches are used, you can accommodate more people per square foot. If the mobile stand is equipped with individual seats, the spectator density will be reduced.

Ask us for Advice!

To make things simpler, contact our team to determine the possible dimensions for your bleachers. We will provide you with a precise estimate based on your requirements. For example:

exemples de dimensions de gradins

Mobile Bleachers Dimensions: Practical Examples to Give You an Idea

You might be wondering about the dimensions of bleachers for 300 seats or to accommodate 500 people. Here are a few examples to give you a better idea:

Bleacher Dimensions for 300 Seats

For a bleacher with a capacity of 300 seats, we’re typically talking about a mini mobile stand. With 3 rows, the bleacher dimensions would be approximately 197 feet wide and 8.2 feet deep. If you increase to 5 rows, the width can be reduced to less than 131 feet.

Bleacher Dimensions for 500 Seats

A bleacher with 500 seats clearly falls into the category of modular stands. With the right number of rows, a width of 65.6 feet can suffice. However, many configurations are possible!

Outdoor Bleacher Dimensions

For the same capacity, an outdoor mobile bleacher will have the same dimensions as an indoor model. We also offer small portable stands that can be used both outdoors and indoors. Check out our Abristade page for information on stadium shelters and the dimensions of our small sports bleachers.

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Dimensions of Bleacher Steps

The size of the steps on bleachers is also important. They must be designed to ensure spectator safety. Typically:

Safety Standards

Bleachers must comply with strict safety standards. For example, the NF EN 13200-1 standard defines the characteristics of viewing areas (seated and standing spaces). This includes the height of the steps and the spacing between rows. These regulations ensure the safety of spectators.